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MVC: Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

Oct 19, 2023

Person using a mobile application on a cell phone.

Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a software architectural pattern used in the design and development of applications, particularly in the context of user interfaces. The main purpose of MVC is to separate an application into three interconnected components, each with its own distinct responsibilities. This separation promotes modularity, maintainability, and flexibility in software development. Here's an overview of the three components of MVC:


The Model represents the application's data and business logic. It is responsible for managing data, performing calculations, and enforcing business rules. The Model component does not directly interact with the user interface or user input. Instead, it communicates with both the Controller and the View to update and provide data. In web applications, the Model often interacts with a database to retrieve and store data.


The View is responsible for rendering the user interface and presenting information to the user. It displays data from the Model to the user in a human-readable format. The View component is passive and doesn't have any direct knowledge of the application's data or logic. It only displays the data it receives from the Model. In web applications, the View is typically implemented using HTML, CSS, and templates.


The Controller acts as an intermediary between the user interface (View) and the application logic (Model). It handles user input, processes requests, and decides how to interact with the Model. The Controller receives input from the user through the View and updates the Model accordingly. It also receives updates from the Model and updates the View to reflect changes in the data. In web applications, the Controller often consists of server-side code that manages HTTP requests and routes them to appropriate actions.


MVC is a flexible pattern that can be applied to web, desktop, and mobile applications.

Many web frameworks and programming languages, such as Ruby on Rails (Ruby), Django (Python), Spring (Java), and Laravel (PHP), use the MVC pattern for building web applications. In this context, the Model typically represents the application's data model, the View handles HTML/CSS templates, and the Controller manages HTTP requests and routes.

Desktop applications, like those developed using Java Swing, JavaFX (Java), or Cocoa (Swift/Objective-C), can also benefit from the MVC pattern. The Model manages application data, the View displays the graphical user interface, and the Controller handles user interactions.

Mobile app development frameworks, such as iOS (Swift/Objective-C) and Android (Java/Kotlin), often use variants of the MVC pattern. The Model represents data and business logic, the View displays the UI, and the Controller handles user interactions and app navigation.

Some game development engines, like Unity (C#), use a similar pattern where the Model represents game data and logic, the View handles rendering and presentation, and the Controller manages player input and gameplay mechanics.

In summary, the Model-View-Controller pattern is a widely used architectural pattern that separates an application into three components: Model, View, and Controller, promoting modularity and maintainability. It can be applied to various types of applications, and many programming languages and frameworks support its implementation.

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